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American RBST Foundation Flock USA0001
British Registered Soay sheep

The Soay Sheep of St. Kilda (Hirta)

    I n August 2000, August 2003,July 2004 and August 2008
Kathie Miller traveled with a
group of Soay enthusiasts to Hirta to see the Soay sheep of St. Kilda.
The photos below were taken on those trips

Click on each photo for a full-size picture,
we've placed thumbnails here to reduce the loading time.

ewesruivalthumb.jpg (4299 bytes)
on the flank of Ruaival

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the village

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along main street in the village

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behind the cottages

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cleits in the meadow

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scurred ewe lamb

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Soay come in a variety of colours

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factor's house

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white ewe in Gleann Mor

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note ear tags

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a sunny day at the beach

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old ram in the village meadow

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ram with broken left horn

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light phase wild pattern

sheep on the trail near the Gap

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to Conachair, Dun in the distance

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It's a long way down!

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Soay and puffins on Soay

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lamb on Ruiaval overlooking village

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bottom of Gleann Mor

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self-coloured black ewe - Gleann Mor

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Soay from near The Cambir of Hirta

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looking east to Scotland

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